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Wildfire Community Preparedness Day

The month of May is the perfect time to prepare for Wildfire season in the state of Colorado. The first Saturday in May is “Wildfire Community Preparedness Day”. This year let’s work together toward minimizing the risk of fire and associated damage. Let’s help our local communities stay safe and our properties left undamaged.

According to the Colorado Division of Fire Prevention & Control, “20 of 20 largest wildfires [in the state of Colorado] have occurred in the last 20 years” with 4 of the 5 occurring within the past 3 years.

In 2021 the community within the city of Boulder quickly learned the devastatingly surreal reality of quick-spreading wildfires, as 35,000 people were evacuated from their homes, many unable to return. It only takes minutes for flames to grow dramatically and travel to surrounding areas.

While the risk of wildfire is great this time of year, the good news is there are many efforts we can each make to minimize the risk of wildfire in our own backyard. The attached picture includes a few tips to prepare for Wildfire Community Preparedness Day (courtesy of the NFPA).